Author: teresa tallevast (
Date: 03-22-03 05:02
Michael Fisher requested that I answer this question, maybe because the bay borders Culebra National Wildlife Refuge mangroves. To my knowlege there is no "tour" advertised to go to Puerto del Manglar. Kayaks would be the way to go if launched nearby, but you might try some of the tour guides like Pat with boat Tanama 787-501-0011, or pass by Mini Mas Hardware Store at the boat gas dock and ask them if they know of a fisherman or other person that might be willing to take you. All waters in Culebra, mainly on the south and west, can exhibit varying degrees of phosphorescence depending on various factors. If you do go to Manglar in a power boat please ask your guide to move very slowly through the area at no-wake speed. There are sensitive species present and boat motor noise, as well as prop-produced turbulence, can greatly disturb them. Thanks, Teresa