Author: Kirk (
Date: 01-19-11 10:55
Having chartered day sails in several islands I can unequivocaly say that a well-run affordable day-sail option is invaluable to an islands appeal. Culebra in particular could use something like this, especially with the wealth of Cays in the surrounding waters. I might worry about how the water taxis felt if your main destination was Culebrita. To tell the truth though, and you can see from these forums, people really want to get out on the water and at the moment to do that on Culebra you have to be fairly pro-active (go down to the docks, ask around, etc.) To be able to plan a little in advance, see a website maybe, make a reservation, would go a long way. Of course as important as the service itself needs to be, the owners do have to be sensitive to the isalnd they are on and it's particular needs (both local and tourist) though it sounds this is quite apparent in your case. So in general, and I wonder why it hasn't been done more before (is there something particular to Culebra that makes chartering cost-prohibitive?) it sounds like a very strong idea. I know you'd have a repeat charterer right here.