Culebra Travel Guide
Isla? is a guide to travel Culebra, the Spanish Virgin Island. It is an attempt to give you enough information to intrigue you, whet your appetite or decide, Culebra is not for you. You should find most of the things you need to know to make that decision.
I have been coming to Culebra since 1990 (more than 28 years, can you believe it?!). My love for the island, Culebra's beaches, anchorages, snorkeling, and its uniquely friendly casual atmosphere is reflected in these pages. As with any love affair, there are compromises to be made. I've described Culebra as objectively as I can. If you have visited, or live on Culebra, I encourage you to use the Culebra Forum and share your impressions to make this a more complete site and help the next person get a better view.
There is no 'good' or 'bad' time to come to Culebra. The temperature is in the 70 to 90 degree range year round. See the weather in Culebra for the upcoming week.

For a printed guide I highly recommend purchasing Lonely Planet's guide. It has a very well researched section on Culebra!
ENJOY! - Michael Fischer, publisher