Culebra Small Rooms and Efficiency Apartments

Mamacita's in Culebra
The friendly base to explore Culebra Island

In Culebra, $ means more than $40/night. For that amount you will get a basic room with a shared bathroom and a ceiling fan. Between $50 and $90 you will see the 'amenities' increase, including A/C, private bathroom and small kitchenette.

In the listings below you will find accommodations ranging up to $100 per night.

Hotel Kokomo in Culebra
Hotel Kokomo
Affordable Ocean View
from $44/nt
book online!

Some have the ability to check availability online and even book online - use it! Do not be discouraged if you cannot get people on the phone. Often there's only one phone line, which is used for everything, including internet access, faxing and credit card approval. All of that of course only if someone is in the office :).

To easily find vacancies use the inquiry form! For location go to Culebra Town Map and Culebra Island Map!

Casa de Heladoemail comments
Mamacita's Guest Houseemail (787) 742-0090 commentslocation
Isla Bonita (787) 742-3575 comments
Casa Robinsonemail (787) 742-0497 commentslocation
Vigias Guest Houseemail (787) 742-2698 comments
Culebra Int'l Hostel (787) 502-9711 comments
Casita Lindaemail (787) 403-5292 commentslocation
Rosa's Place (787) 742-2182 comments
Hotel Puerto Rico (787) 742-3372 comments
Wally's Apartmentsemail (787) 742-3870 comments
Rancho Buena Venturaemail (787) 960 8993 comments
Culebra Ocean Viewemail (787) 360-9807 commentslocation
Casita Tropicalemail (412) 519-7896 comments
La Familia Guest House (787) 742-3242 comments
Bayview Villasemail (787) 742-3392 comments
Hotel Kokomoemail (646) 797-2836 commentslocation
Villa Fulladozaemail (787) 742-3576 comments
Palmetto Guest Houseemail (787) 742-0257 comments
Casa Papaya (787) 742-0034 comments
Maritza's Guest House (787) 742-2643 commentslocation
La Surana Apartments (787) 433-0875 comments
Villa Boh?meemail (787) 742-3508 commentslocation
Vacationplannersemail comments
Villa Melonesemail comments
Villa Patriaemail (787) 742-3576 comments
Hilltop Studioemail (202) 256-8867 commentslocation
Mango Treeemail (845) 797-5000 comments
Sesimbra Apartments