Author: zoraida Banks (66.231.170.---)
Date: 01-12-07 00:45
Soon around March or April will start the Leatherback turtle hatching on the shores of Playa Brava and Resaca. I use to take my students from the university to have this great experience with nature. It is amazing to see those huge mother turtles lay their eggs and make the hole on the sand to deposit them there. Also very beautiful to see her after laying the eggs ,making another trace on the sand to pretend that she layed her eggs there protecting the eggs from predators. If someone has the info of whom to contact now please let us know because l didn't go last year and I want to take my students this year and the last time I took them there was a very commited school teacher organizing this. So if that has changed or if that is still on let me know how to contact him or whom to contact if this has changed
Puerto Rico beautiful island, home of the hospitality and the shinning sun