Author: David Streever (
Date: 01-02-12 12:02
I usually get it from the nice couple that runs the bike shop by El Batey--very nice people, the mouth piece is washed in alcohol and sterilized. Is it yucky? Sure, maybe, but the glass I drink from at a restaurant and the fork I put in my mouth was also used by someone else. Some of the food I eat literally grew out of poop, and when I eat meat, it is actually the skin of a DEAD ANIMAL!
Some of my girlfriends have even kissed other men before they met me (gasp!) and the pillow case I put my head on when I stay somewhere may have been used by someone else. The air I breathe was in someone else's lungs at one point, and definitely carries germs.
There really isn't anything gross about renting snorkel gear when you think about it that way, so you just have to ask yourself: Do I think I'll snorkel enough to justify buying & lugging this home with me, or is renting an easy and convenient way to do it?