Author: peggy weiss (140.142.221.---)
Date: 09-28-04 23:18
hi natasha, I visted Culebra from October 5-16th two years ago, and I loved it so much I'm making a return visit beginning this Sunday, Oct 3, staying through the 20th. I stay in my tent at Flamingo Beach, so I'm really mindful of the weather. Last time, I got rained on really hard one or two times, but most days were sunny and beautiful. There was rarely any wind. The best part was that the beach was completely EMPTY during most of my stay. I met some sailors and spent a fair amount of time in a small boat on the open water, and it was almost completely peaceful and uneventful weatherwise. It's true, there's no way to predict the weather in advance, but it feels to me like the whole hurricane calamity is waning as the season draws to a close. Culebra is one of the most beautiful places I've visited--I don't think even a hurricane could deter me after having visited. Good luck!