Author: Michael (
Date: 10-09-09 03:34
DC, I suggest you start a website with your agenda.
I feel, you are exactly doing what you critizice me for. Please, when you do make accusations, come up with some quotes, where I 'make them feel like crap for it'!
I can mention one instance where I did the opposite right here on this very thread: When you first posted, you misspelled Fajardo twice. In the title as well as your post. I went in there and edited the title of your post and yes, I did jump to the conclusion that someone who owns a house here would know how to spell Fajardo. (Since you did it twice in a row, it could not have been a typo)
If I did not have an agenda, I would not have started this website nor this forum.
How long have you been coming to the island?
When I first started coming, I met a lot of people who were highly disappointed by the lack of things in Culebra. They went back home, had a horrible time and nobody was served. I put out some info, that, yes is my opinion and to add to the mix, I put up a forum, so you can 'make others feel like crap' and voice your opinion. Many have chosen not to post here because I let negative reviews of businesses stand - no matter what my personal opinion of the business or whether they are advertisers or not. Ask around, or better yet go into really old threads - it's all there.
You are welcome to keep criticizing me, this forum, this website and all the bad service you are getting on this island.
Just for the fun of it: What's the budget for your food shopping trip?
Enjoy Culebra!